Hoy en nuestros días, y en los últimos meses el planeta a dado un gran cambio de 360ª; claro, ya está triste de que le hagamos cosas malas.
Hoy quisiera que toda la gente del mundo cambiara para el bien de todos los habitantes; que reaccionemos de lo mal que le hacemos al planeta, que no está bien que maltratemos de forma inhumana a la naturaleza, los animales, y a nosotros mismos; de forma que hay que matar a los animales para sobrevivir, vender sus pieles, comerlos… ¡¡¡¡¡¡NO YA BASTA DE TODO ESO!!!!!!!, hagamos algo bueno para el mundo, y para que ya no se decepciones mas el mundo de nosotros…
Empieza dejando de tirar basura en la calle, remplaza tu auto por caminar o por una bicicleta, recicla, ama a los animales y ayuda a hacer conciencia de que no los maten, apaga las luces cuando no las uses…etc.…
Saben…. A mí no me costó trabajo hacer estos actos; y por eso comparto estos consejos para que ustedes también los platiquen, y por favor tomen conciencia de ellos este día dedicado al mundo.
Por favor, ayuda a esta noble causa para que no nos arrepentíamos después!!!!!!!
Con amor Daniela...
Gracias por leer; espero tu ayuda
Mi prima escribió esto también para ustedes, espero que les
Para mí el planeta es muy bello y bonito y lo que quiero, pero cuando vi el video de Heal The World me puse a llorar porque habla del planeta, pero también tratan mal al planeta mal muy mal como:
Talan los arboles.
Usan manguera para lavar el carro.
Tiran basura en la calle, en los ríos, mares, océanos o lagunas.
Dañan la capa de ozono con el humo del automóvil
Yo quisiera decirles a todos los seres del planeta que cuide al mundo y que no hagan las acciones anteriores porque ahora de lo que están haciendo si se va a acabar el mundo.
y aqui el poema que Michael le escribio al mundo:
Planet Earth
Planet Earth, my home, my place,
A capricious anomaly in the sea of space,
Planet Earth, are you just
Floating by, a cloud of dust,
A minor globe, about to bust,
A piece of metal bound to rust,
A speck of matter in a mindless void,
A lonely spaceship, a large asteroid.
Cold as a rock without a hue,
Held together with a bit of glue,
Something tells me this isn't true.
You are my sweetheart, soft and blue.
Do you Care, have you a part
In the deepest emotions of my own heart,
Tender with breezes, caressing and whole,
Alive with Music, haunting my soul.
In my veins I've felt the my stery
Of corridors of time, books of history,
Life songs of ages throbbing in my Blood
Have danced the rhythm of the tide and flood.
Your misty clouds, Your electric storm
Were turbulent tempests in my own form.
I've licked the salt, the bitter, the sweet
Of every encounter, of passion, of heat.
Your riotous color, Your fragrance, Your taste
Have thrilled my senses beyond all haste.
In Your beauty, I've known the how
Of timeless bliss, this moment of now.
Planet Earth are you just
Floating by, a cloud of dust,
A minor globe, about to bust,
A piece of metal bound to rust.
A speck of matter in a mindless void.
A lonely spaceship, a large asteroid.
Cold as a rock without a hue,
Held together with a bit of glue,
Something tells me this isn't true.
You are my sweetheart, gentle and blue.
Do you Care, have you a part
In the deepest emotions of my own heart,
Tender with breezes, caressing and whole,
Alive with Music, haunting my soul.
Planet Earth, gentle and blue,
With all my heart, I Love you.
Planet Earth, my home, my place,
A capricious anomaly in the sea of space,
Planet Earth, are you just
Floating by, a cloud of dust,
A minor globe, about to bust,
A piece of metal bound to rust,
A speck of matter in a mindless void,
A lonely spaceship, a large asteroid.
Cold as a rock without a hue,
Held together with a bit of glue,
Something tells me this isn't true.
You are my sweetheart, soft and blue.
Do you Care, have you a part
In the deepest emotions of my own heart,
Tender with breezes, caressing and whole,
Alive with Music, haunting my soul.
In my veins I've felt the my stery
Of corridors of time, books of history,
Life songs of ages throbbing in my Blood
Have danced the rhythm of the tide and flood.
Your misty clouds, Your electric storm
Were turbulent tempests in my own form.
I've licked the salt, the bitter, the sweet
Of every encounter, of passion, of heat.
Your riotous color, Your fragrance, Your taste
Have thrilled my senses beyond all haste.
In Your beauty, I've known the how
Of timeless bliss, this moment of now.
Planet Earth are you just
Floating by, a cloud of dust,
A minor globe, about to bust,
A piece of metal bound to rust.
A speck of matter in a mindless void.
A lonely spaceship, a large asteroid.
Cold as a rock without a hue,
Held together with a bit of glue,
Something tells me this isn't true.
You are my sweetheart, gentle and blue.
Do you Care, have you a part
In the deepest emotions of my own heart,
Tender with breezes, caressing and whole,
Alive with Music, haunting my soul.
Planet Earth, gentle and blue,
With all my heart, I Love you.
Gracias por verlo,Esperamos tu apoyo,porque Nosotros Somos El Mundo...
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